Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One Act Play Festival News Release

Students at White Station High School are trimming costumes and creating sets for the annual One-Act Play Festival which will run February 3 – 5, 2010.

All performances will take place on the auditorium stage and admission is five dollars. Shows begin at 7:00pm Wednesday and Thursday and 6:00pm Friday.

A student-produced one act play festival has been a part of the theater culture at WSHS for over 20 years, but this year’s performance promises to stand out from the past.

“This festival features two original script debuts and a larger line up than the past few years,” said Paulette Regan, a 19-year veteran of the WSHS theater department.

Join all the promising young directors of WSHS and support the theater department by attending the annual One Act Play Festival February 3-5, 2010.

The One Act Play Festival is a production of the honors play production class. In the course, students are given the unique opportunity to cast, direct, debut, refine and compete with one show.

Mr. Mansfield, White Station principal claims, “It’s three nights of magic more thrilling than watching the Spartans win a State Title.”

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